ChatGPT Playground

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Subhan Jalbani

Hey there! I think it would be really helpful to have a feature similar to ChatGPT's playground for getting input prompts. It would make things so much easier! While templates are useful for specific purposes, a chat-like prompt would be even more useful for creating high-quality content easily. Don't you think so?

1 year ago

Subhan Jalbani

So, you know how sometimes it's really hard to come up with good ideas for writing? Yeah, it's a struggle we all face. Well, here's an idea: what if there was a platform like ChatGPT's playground that gave you input prompts for writing? It would make the process so much easier! Instead of relying on templates that are limited to specific purposes, this type of platform would allow for more creativity and flexibility. Honestly, having a prompt interface like ChatGPT's would be a dream come true for writers. It would ensure that the content created is of high-quality and that the process is enjoyable and efficient.

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