Content Editor Paragraph

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Content Editor

Current Process:

  1. I highlight several words that I've written on the page
  2. Select AI Writing
  3. Select [AI] Show AI-writing templates
  4. Select Paragraph, a pop-up opens
  5. Heading: I key manually in what I want
  6. [optional] Include the following terms (separate with comma): I key manually in what I=keywords I want

Desired Process:

  1. I highlight several words that I've written on the page

  2. Select AI Writing

  3. Select [AI] Show AI-writing templates

  4. Select Paragraph, a pop-up opens

  5. Heading:
    a. Automatically take what was highlighted from Step 1 and fill in those words into the Heading for me.
    b. Or take the H2/H3/H4 heading from the paragraph above (in content editor) and auto-fill it for me.

  6. Include the following terms (separate with comma):
    a. Automatically provide the UNUSED keywords from "Terms in article", in a dropdown, or selection of some sort, so that I can pick and choose which ones are not being. This will allow me to know which keywords I should target.
    a. OR --- Resize the pop-up Paragraph window so that it is shifted to the left so that I can see the "Terms in article" keywords from the main page. This will at least allow me to see the keywords. Right now the pop-up window cant be moved.


1 year ago

One vote