External link used in competitors articles

🛠 Planned

Please add the number of external links and the exact links that are used in the article of competitors.


2 years ago


These sites seem to all follow a similar style for showing external/internal links from a website (as well as "link type" - text, image, and "no/do follow" status). It would be great if NW could do the same:

  • https://searchenginereports.net/website-links-count-checker (my favorite)
  • https://smallseotools.com/website-links-count-checker/
  • https://dnschecker.org/website-link-analyzer.php

What could make NW's even more helpful is if it could somehow detect which links are contained within the actual article text of the page (without all the generic header, footer, and ad links). So if one only wanted to see the internal/external links used in the article text, one could filter it to show only those. And then to go a step further, as Simon mentioned, NW could suggest common external links that multiple competitors are using, and/or alternative recommendations from authoritative sites, if possible.

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Stoica Claudiu Ovidiu

I how you mean ahrefs link, not moz

0    1 year ago    Reply

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if possible, also please add suggested anchor text.

1    1 year ago    Reply

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Pawel changed status to 🛠 Planned

1 year ago


Agree, this could be integrated with the upcoming internal linking feature to give comprehensive document linking suggestions similar to how Frase does it.

0    1 year ago    Reply

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